Author: admin
[:tr]Queer Olympix Katılımcı Formu[:]
[:tr] Yükleniyor… [:]
[:en]How did everything start?[:tr]Her şey nasıl başladı?[:]
[:en] As Atletik Dildoa, we came together and started playing football during the Istanbul Trans Pride Week in 2015. Majority of us being women and members of the LGBTIQA+ community, we formed an amateur football team that fought against gender discrimination through sports, and until 2020, we regularly gathered and continued organizing events and matches.…
[:en]What is Queer Olympix?[:tr]queer olympix nedir?[:]
[:en] Being LGBTIQA+ and women, inevitably leads us to learn various maneuvers, self-defense techniques, and various strategies while navigating the city. Especially in recent times, the restrictions brought about by political and societal pressure in public spaces unfortunately do not allow for the lively resistances and entertainments we experience in major squares… As women and…
[:en]Group Agreement[:tr]Grup Anlaşmamız 📖[:]
[:en] Group agreement/text is open to revision and discussion. *Let’s not engage in ableism, let’s not assume that every body will have the same opportunities to do everything. **Non-violent language/communication: Criticizing the action/statement itself rather than directly criticizing a person’s statement or action. (Instead of saying “When you did this,” say “When this was done,…
[:en]Queer Olympix Policy Document for Preventing Gender Inequality and Preventing Gender-Based Violence[:tr]Queer Olympix Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitsizliğinin Önlenmesi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddetin Önlenmesi için Politika Belgesi[:]
[:en] Purpose The purpose of this policy document is to cleanse the internal functioning and interactions of Queer Olympix from sexual violence and all forms of gender-based inequality and discrimination; to prevent and deter them, and to establish effective mechanisms that promote gender equality and embrace non-violence in such situations and circumstances. Sources This document…
[:en]Queer Olympix 2023 took place in Istanbul[:tr]”Queer Olympix 2023 yapıldı”[:]
[:en]The news we have shared below was prepared for on September 21, 2023: “Queer Olmypix 2023 was held on September 8, 9, 10. Lubunyas who engage in sports activism in many different cities of Turkey came together at the event. Queer Olympix, which has been held in Istanbul since 2017 and is Turkey’s first…
[:en]”at ıstanbul’s queer olympix, the aim is for lgbtq+ athletes to have fun and feel safe”[:tr]İstanbul Queer Olympix’te lgbtq+ sporcuların eğlenmesi ve kendilerini güvende hissetmeleri amaçlanıyor[:]
[:en] The “the picture show” shared below was prepared for npr by Hannah Cauhépé on 22 december 2022: “Every summer since 2017, Istanbul has played host to a sporting event known as the “Queer Olympix.” Created by a handful of soccer-loving Turkish queer activists, the annual event — which is not affiliated with the international Gay Games organization, though…
[:en]“We get our strength from fair play; We spread through sports”[:tr]“Biz gücümüzü adil oyundan alıyoruz; sporla çoğalıyoruz”[:]
[:en]The news we shared below was prepared for on September 21, 2022: ”Turkey’s first queer Olympics, Queer Olympix, took place this year despite all the pressure and bans. Queer Olympix, Turkey’s first queer Olympics, which has been held in Istanbul since 2017, took place this year as well. Queer Olympix was banned by Kadıköy…
[:en]Queer Olympix 2021 Result: Lubunyas 1 – Paparons 0[:tr] “Queer Olympix 2021 Sonucu: Lubunyalar 1 – Paparonlar 0 “[:]
[:en]Libero phasellus, faucibus ut odio mauris, blandit viverra turpis et vel. Vivamus turpis donec aliquam nec justo aliquam, ante elit est est proin dictumst accumsan, proin integer nec neque eu non, sed tempor mi lacinia eu. Eros pellentesque sed, quam accumsan integer, egestas minim varius semper integer euismod, imperdiet nulla tellus ad lobortis. Sit lorem…